Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Urban Legend of Car Headlights - 1480 Words

Lights Out In preparation for this writing assignment, I interviewed about 15 students at the University to collect their urban legends. One legend, often called â€Å"Lights Out,† was mentioned by just about all of the students I interviewed. Those who did not mention it on their own recognized it when I described it. I interviewed a 19-year-old male sophomore who anticipates getting into the School of Business. He transferred from Community College this past fall, and currently lives with a relative in a nearby off-campus home. He went to a small Catholic high school. He recalls first hearing this legend early in high school, probably between freshman and sophomore year. After telling him the purpose of the interview, I began the†¦show more content†¦Afterward, I asked him if he or anyone he knew had ever tried this before. He said, â€Å"I have (pause)†¦ I didn’t die (pause)†¦ that time (smile).† The way he smiled at the end of his performance re-established his normal disposition and alerted me that his serious tone earlier was just part of the act. His overall performance of the legend was similar to that of other students that I interviewed. When telling stories they seemed serious, but by the end their concern was clearly part of the performance. Many students I interviewed told me relatively the same story, and one female student even mentioned receiving an e-mail about it years ago. Unlike other urban legends I have heard, this story did not really change significantly from person to person, perhaps because it is so straightforward. Barbara Mikkelson provided many examples of this warning story, which is usually spread by e-mail or fax. One such example describes the murders as taking place on a certain weekend: â€Å"Gang Initiation Weekend. ( Please Read Very Important!!!) Police officers working with the DARE program has issued this warning: If you are driving after dark and see an on-coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM! This is a common Bloods gang member initiation game that goes like this: The new gang member under initiation drives along withShow MoreRelatedCollective Behavior Theories1765 Words   |  8 Pagesupbringing. Rumors, urban legends, and myths have all played a major part in the formation of our society. When I was younger, my mother would always be careful not to flash her headlight at anyone who was driving in the opposite direction and didn’t have theirs on. The behavior stemming from this urban legend goes back to the early 1990s when gangs became really popular to talk about. Gangs were a source of fear in many urban neighborhoods. In regards to the aforementioned urban legend: The story wasRead More The Real Men in Black Essay556 Words   |  3 PagesThe Real Men in Black The Men in Black, are they a group employed by the government to cover up knowledge of extra terrestrials, aliens themselves, or merely a modern urban legend started by the mentally unstable. We are unable to answer this, but we will do our best to give you the proper information to have your own opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The M.I.B. are said to visit people shortly after an encounter with aliens. Different people say different things about them, but basically they all agreeRead MoreTriumph Launching Event5211 Words   |  21 PagesCustomization – There is an option â€Å"create my Triumph† on the website where you can build your very own Triumph motorcycle. Weaknesses * Undifferentiated products/service - Unlike their rival, BMW, they don’t only make motorcycles, they produce cars as well. This is why BMW is a much better known company because their target market is relatively larger. * Because Triumph refuses to expand their stores into a more commercial environment such as a department store, the chance of attractingRead MoreSecurity Forces51988 Words   |  208 PagesMeasures Communications Fire Control Measures Field Considerations Captives, Detainees, and Prisoners Field Operations Direction and Redirection of Forces Written Measurement #4 Individual Tactics and Techniques Map Reading Skills Land Navigation Convoys Urban Operations Ground Combat Skills PAGE 1 19 59 65 81 88 97 100 103 117 122 138 150 169 186 225 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SFAC /TECH. TRNG. SG L3ABR3P031 0S1C UNIT 1 DEFENSE CONCEPTS OBJECTIVE 1a Identify the relationship ofRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesof difficulties have also been experienced by the car manufacturer Fiat (see Illustration 1.2). INTRODUCTION 17 Illustration 1.2 Balancing operational and strategic issues With annual sales of more than two million units with over 30 billion euros, the familydominated Fiat Group is the world’s sixth largest manufacturer of cars and trucks. However, between 1990 and 2001, the company’s share of the intensely competitive western European car market drifted from just under 14 per cent to a

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