Friday, January 31, 2020

Ernest Hemingway Essay Example for Free

Ernest Hemingway Essay Ernest Hemingway is a writer known for his characterizations of men and women. His men tend to be very macho and involved in using women for their own personal gain. His women tend to be somewhat naive and overwhelmed with the idea of being with men. As with many of Hemingway’s female characters, Liz in â€Å"Up in Michigan† has mistakenly taken infatuation for love. Liz is actually somewhat obsessed with Jim right from the beginning. Hemingway writes, â€Å"She liked it about how his teeth were when he smiled,†¦that his hair was black on his arms and how white they were above the tanned line when he washed up in the washbasin outside the house. Liking that made her feel funny. † Clearly, sentences like this demonstrate the girlish nature of Liz. She notices all the little things that women notice in infatuation with men. There is no mention of his character, of what kind of man he is, only of his physical characteristics. She feels â€Å"funny† inside thinking about his white skin where it disappears into his clothes. This is the equivalent of the pounding heartbeat of infatuation. In fact, â€Å"All the time Liz was thinking about Jim Gilmore. He didn’t seem to notice her much† (Hemingway 82). Clearly, the feelings are one-sided here. It is impossible for Liz to love him if he takes no notice of her. Real love is about reciprocity. As the story goes on, Jim goes away on a hunting trip. â€Å"She couldn’t sleep well from thinking about him but she discovered it was fun to think about him too† (Hemingway 82). She is thinking about him in the ways of a girl, fascinated with every move he makes. She knows nothing of substance about him. Clearly, he is not thinking of her at all. She even goes so far as to think that â€Å"everything would be all right when he came home† (Hemingway 83). Again, she is pinning her entire identity on this one man who doesn’t even give her the time of day. She has no understanding of real love and is actually setting herself up for someone like Jim to use her by being so needy. She has fallen into the female trap of believing in that fairy tale, romantic love that doesn’t exist in reality. She believes he will notice her and realize they were meant to be together. When Jim returns from hunting, he sits and drinks with the boys. Liz tells the reader that â€Å"She didn’t want to go to bed yet because she knew Jim would be coming out and she wanted to see him as he went out so she could take the way he looked up to bed with her† (Hemingway 84). Again, as a little girl, she wants to take his image to bed and fantasize about it. She needs one last glimpse of him to make her feel complete. Jim does come out and immediately makes advances toward her in his drunken state. She is scared but feels as though he is finally noticing her. She doesn’t want to ruin her chance. As he seduces her, there are phrases like, â€Å"it was cold but Liz was hot all over from being with Jim. † She tells him no but doesn’t really mean it, and he basically takes advantage of her. Afterwards, she is â€Å"cold and miserable† and tells the reader that â€Å"everything felt gone† (Hemingway 85). The story ends with her covering Jim and kissing his cheek as well as trying to talk to him, but realizing on the dock that â€Å"a cold mist is coming† (Hemingway 85). On the dock, with the â€Å"cold mist coming† (Hemingway 85), Liz has realized that like the barges that disappear earlier in the story, her idea of infatuation is gone. She understands that Jim was simply fulfilling his own physical need and that he has no feelings for her. She understands a basic truth that many men see love and sex completely differently than women do. She has, in effect, grown up. The cold mist coming is the way her life will change now that the illusion of romantic, fairy tale love is gone. Jim has not noticed her, and she has paid an extremely high price for misunderstanding his intentions. She will either learn to value herself more and not be â€Å"available† for every man she likes or she will attach herself to another man like Jim who will take advantage of her and treat her badly, but this time she will be realistic in the fact that that is what he will do. She will not wait for the happy ending anymore. Her illusions about infatuation (love) have been shattered, and in a world such as this, she may never learn what real love, mutual trust and respect, is.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

First Love by John Clare Essay -- First Love John Clare Poems Poetry E

First Love by John Clare How do different poets convey the idea of Love? â€Å"First Love† by John Clare was written in the 19th century. It is a poem about how the poet had fallen in love but it turned out it was unrequited. Whereas â€Å"Song† by W.H.Auden written in the 20th century, is a poem about how someone has been in love but then lost them to death. They are both quite similar in the fact that they are both about loving someone but not being able to have them. However they are different because â€Å"Song† is about two people having been in love and then losing it, rather than â€Å"First Love† in which the love is unrequited, and not being fulfilled. In the poem â€Å"First Love† by John Clare the poet writes about what seems to be a very overwhelming feeling. The poem is written in three stanzas and in each one the feelings develop. It has a rhyme structure of AB,AB, CD, CD etc. The first stanza has eight syllables in each line and the other two have a pattern of 8,6,8,6,8,6,8,6. I think it may be written like this because in the first stanza the feeling are simpler and then they get more complex as the poem progresses- like the syllable patterns. In stanza one the crush begins. He sees her and is suddenly struck by her beauty- â€Å"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower.† This simile is saying that her face opened up and revealed something beautiful just like a flower does. It brings the image of spring to mind because flowers blooming are associated with it. The poet describes never having felt this way before- hence the title â€Å"First Love†. â€Å"I ne’er was struck before that hour With love so sudden and so sweet.† It suggests that he was surprised that it happened so quickly. It seems that it w... â€Å"Song† the poet writes about the man he loved but can’t have because he died. They are both quite sad poems. The main differences are the love in â€Å"Song† can’t occur because someone has died, whereas in â€Å"First Love† both people are alive it is just either one sided love, or not allowed. From looking into John Clare’s history I found out that he was not allowed to marry the girl he loved, because she was a better class that him. Also â€Å"Song† concentrates very much on the bad bits, whereas â€Å"First Love† reflects on some of the good feelings the poet has had because of love. Personally I preferred â€Å"Song† by W.H.Auden because it felt more meaningful. Although I did like â€Å"First Love† it didn’t touch me as much. I think I learnt a lot from both poems, it taught me that love can be very painful and everyone suffers because of it at some time in their life. First Love by John Clare Essay -- First Love John Clare Poems Poetry E First Love by John Clare How do different poets convey the idea of Love? â€Å"First Love† by John Clare was written in the 19th century. It is a poem about how the poet had fallen in love but it turned out it was unrequited. Whereas â€Å"Song† by W.H.Auden written in the 20th century, is a poem about how someone has been in love but then lost them to death. They are both quite similar in the fact that they are both about loving someone but not being able to have them. However they are different because â€Å"Song† is about two people having been in love and then losing it, rather than â€Å"First Love† in which the love is unrequited, and not being fulfilled. In the poem â€Å"First Love† by John Clare the poet writes about what seems to be a very overwhelming feeling. The poem is written in three stanzas and in each one the feelings develop. It has a rhyme structure of AB,AB, CD, CD etc. The first stanza has eight syllables in each line and the other two have a pattern of 8,6,8,6,8,6,8,6. I think it may be written like this because in the first stanza the feeling are simpler and then they get more complex as the poem progresses- like the syllable patterns. In stanza one the crush begins. He sees her and is suddenly struck by her beauty- â€Å"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower.† This simile is saying that her face opened up and revealed something beautiful just like a flower does. It brings the image of spring to mind because flowers blooming are associated with it. The poet describes never having felt this way before- hence the title â€Å"First Love†. â€Å"I ne’er was struck before that hour With love so sudden and so sweet.† It suggests that he was surprised that it happened so quickly. It seems that it w... â€Å"Song† the poet writes about the man he loved but can’t have because he died. They are both quite sad poems. The main differences are the love in â€Å"Song† can’t occur because someone has died, whereas in â€Å"First Love† both people are alive it is just either one sided love, or not allowed. From looking into John Clare’s history I found out that he was not allowed to marry the girl he loved, because she was a better class that him. Also â€Å"Song† concentrates very much on the bad bits, whereas â€Å"First Love† reflects on some of the good feelings the poet has had because of love. Personally I preferred â€Å"Song† by W.H.Auden because it felt more meaningful. Although I did like â€Å"First Love† it didn’t touch me as much. I think I learnt a lot from both poems, it taught me that love can be very painful and everyone suffers because of it at some time in their life.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Resume Sample for Pharmacy

Mr. Venkatesh Jangala Phone: +91 9985398963 Email: venky. [email  protected] com Date of Birth: 23 november 1987 Address: D. NO; 3-578(A),Undavalli centre, Tadepalli(post), Gunturdist – 522501. Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu Objective: To be a part of an organization where my skills are put to an optimal use and which offers scope for knowledge and growth. Educational Qualifications: |Year |Degree/Certificate |University/Board |Marks obtained | |2012 |Master’s of pharmacy(pharm. hemistry)* |BITS Pilani, |7. 33/10 | | | |Hyderabad Campus |(CGPA) | |2010 |Bachelor of pharmacy |ANU(Acharya nagarjuna university) |79. 5% | |2005 |Intermediate |Board of intermediate education,A.P |93% | |2003 |SSC |SSC board,Andhra pradesh |87. 5% | Experiences / Projects: ? 6 months of internship at Hindustan Life care Limited,Kerala Worked in clean room(class 10,000) and performed Validation studies on clean room cleaning procedure in Blood bad department M. Pharmacy: ? Project- 1: Drug interaction studies for newer anti- TB drug. Studying of the metabolic interactions of a newer anti TB drug with other rugs in wistar rats such as Glipizide(CYP2C9 enzyme substrate) Ketaconazole( CYP3A4 inhibitor) by analysing the change in drug levels in plasma using RP-HPLC ? Project-2:Bio analytical method validation of a newer anti-TB drug. Analytical method development of a newly synthesised anti-TB drug using RP-HPLC with plasma samples and validating the parameters such as accuracy,precision and stability etc.. , Mini project(s) ? Pharmacophore modelling of adenosine receptor antagonists in alcohol addiction induced liver fibrosis Design of controlled released tablet formulations of verapamil hydrichloride and their physical evaluation. Others: Isolation of Hesperidin from citrus sinuses,and evaluation of hypo- glyceamic activity Hypo- lipidemic activity on rats . Technical Skills: ? Handling of HPLC, UV,FT-IR &dissolution apparatus ? Designing of Analytical and bio-a nalytical method development studies for newer drugs using HPLC and validation of analytical methods and instruments. ? Pharmacokinetic studies for a new formulation and drug. Documentation work in industries, design of quality assurance studies. Elective Courses: – Computer aided drug design. – Dosage form design Awards / Honours / Achievements: Published one paper on† Synthesis of highly potent novel anti-tubercular isoniazid analogues with preliminary pharmacokinetic evaluation† in Bio-organic and medicinal chemistry letters. Qualified GPAT & NIPER-2010. Extra-Curricular Activities: Organisation and participation in my B. pharm college. Won second prize in dancing competition held at my college

Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Urban Legend of Car Headlights - 1480 Words

Lights Out In preparation for this writing assignment, I interviewed about 15 students at the University to collect their urban legends. One legend, often called â€Å"Lights Out,† was mentioned by just about all of the students I interviewed. Those who did not mention it on their own recognized it when I described it. I interviewed a 19-year-old male sophomore who anticipates getting into the School of Business. He transferred from Community College this past fall, and currently lives with a relative in a nearby off-campus home. He went to a small Catholic high school. He recalls first hearing this legend early in high school, probably between freshman and sophomore year. After telling him the purpose of the interview, I began the†¦show more content†¦Afterward, I asked him if he or anyone he knew had ever tried this before. He said, â€Å"I have (pause)†¦ I didn’t die (pause)†¦ that time (smile).† The way he smiled at the end of his performance re-established his normal disposition and alerted me that his serious tone earlier was just part of the act. His overall performance of the legend was similar to that of other students that I interviewed. When telling stories they seemed serious, but by the end their concern was clearly part of the performance. Many students I interviewed told me relatively the same story, and one female student even mentioned receiving an e-mail about it years ago. Unlike other urban legends I have heard, this story did not really change significantly from person to person, perhaps because it is so straightforward. Barbara Mikkelson provided many examples of this warning story, which is usually spread by e-mail or fax. One such example describes the murders as taking place on a certain weekend: â€Å"Gang Initiation Weekend. ( Please Read Very Important!!!) Police officers working with the DARE program has issued this warning: If you are driving after dark and see an on-coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM! This is a common Bloods gang member initiation game that goes like this: The new gang member under initiation drives along withShow MoreRelatedCollective Behavior Theories1765 Words   |  8 Pagesupbringing. Rumors, urban legends, and myths have all played a major part in the formation of our society. When I was younger, my mother would always be careful not to flash her headlight at anyone who was driving in the opposite direction and didn’t have theirs on. The behavior stemming from this urban legend goes back to the early 1990s when gangs became really popular to talk about. Gangs were a source of fear in many urban neighborhoods. In regards to the aforementioned urban legend: The story wasRead More The Real Men in Black Essay556 Words   |  3 PagesThe Real Men in Black The Men in Black, are they a group employed by the government to cover up knowledge of extra terrestrials, aliens themselves, or merely a modern urban legend started by the mentally unstable. We are unable to answer this, but we will do our best to give you the proper information to have your own opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The M.I.B. are said to visit people shortly after an encounter with aliens. Different people say different things about them, but basically they all agreeRead MoreTriumph Launching Event5211 Words   |  21 PagesCustomization – There is an option â€Å"create my Triumph† on the website where you can build your very own Triumph motorcycle. Weaknesses * Undifferentiated products/service - Unlike their rival, BMW, they don’t only make motorcycles, they produce cars as well. This is why BMW is a much better known company because their target market is relatively larger. * Because Triumph refuses to expand their stores into a more commercial environment such as a department store, the chance of attractingRead MoreSecurity Forces51988 Words   |  208 PagesMeasures Communications Fire Control Measures Field Considerations Captives, Detainees, and Prisoners Field Operations Direction and Redirection of Forces Written Measurement #4 Individual Tactics and Techniques Map Reading Skills Land Navigation Convoys Urban Operations Ground Combat Skills PAGE 1 19 59 65 81 88 97 100 103 117 122 138 150 169 186 225 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SFAC /TECH. TRNG. SG L3ABR3P031 0S1C UNIT 1 DEFENSE CONCEPTS OBJECTIVE 1a Identify the relationship ofRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesof difficulties have also been experienced by the car manufacturer Fiat (see Illustration 1.2). INTRODUCTION 17 Illustration 1.2 Balancing operational and strategic issues With annual sales of more than two million units with over 30 billion euros, the familydominated Fiat Group is the world’s sixth largest manufacturer of cars and trucks. However, between 1990 and 2001, the company’s share of the intensely competitive western European car market drifted from just under 14 per cent to a