Saturday, December 21, 2019

Homeless People Live On The Street - 1809 Words

Rocio Acosta Ms. West ERWC, Period 6 8 January 2015 Homeless â€Å"Most of the folks who come, they’re not truly homeless. They just don’t have much, and some are just lonely† (Hecht). Homeless means a person without a home, and therefore typically living on the street. There are different meanings for different people that are homeless. Many people that have never been homeless think that homeless people live on the street. But do not realize why they are living on the street, abandon buildings, abandon cars. It is not just individuals that suffer of being homeless but families, seniors, single parents, and youth suffer of trying to get a home. It does not mean that homeless people are all drug and alcohol user, but have economic problem that they have to deal with. Families are a big issue around the world because they have economic problem that leads them on the streets. In America there are a huge number of veterans living in the streets for many types of problems. Some homeless become ill because they can catch disea ses but some people have mental disorders and can become homeless. There are ways to prevent people from become homeless. Many people judge homeless people as alcohol and drug users, but in reality many homeless people have no families, mental disorders, or are veterans with a poverty level that leads to their living situation. During what era did people started to become homeless? What caused them to become homeless? During the seventeen century was whenShow MoreRelatedHomelessness Persuasive Speech1217 Words   |  5 PagesHomelessness is the condition of people that do not have a permanent place to live, like a house or an apartment. The issue of homelessness is not subjected to one area, but it is a worldwide problem. Homelessness can result by depending upon a countries economy, and their government because the officials often ignores the issue. Manila, Philippines has 22.8 million who reside in the slums, and 1.2 million of those people are children who live by peddling, or begging on the streets, (Castillo). The PhilippinesRead MoreShould Homelessness Be Criminalized?1747 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed topics around the world is homelessness. Each and everyday more and more people become homeless. People around the world have tried numerous times to resolve this dilemma. This situation is growing a nd it s starting to spiral out of control. One solution that s getting popular the more we let this situation grow is that criminalizing the homeless is good. People cannot criminalize the homeless. Homeless people should not be criminalized because they have nowhere to go, they have it hard enoughRead MoreThe Homeless Veterans Wandering On The Streets Of America1465 Words   |  6 Pagesabout the homeless veterans wandering in the streets of America. All around America there is numerous homeless veterans who seek for a better way of life. They crave for jobs, food, and shelter. All they want in life is to live the American Dream, a dream full of opportunity and wealth. In 2013, Veteran Affairs had an estimation of 610,042 homeless people recorded in the United States, and over 394,698 of those homeless people were living in shelter homes. This means that 215,344 homeless people wereRead MoreHomeless Is Taking Over Hawaii943 Words   |  4 PagesHomeless is Taking Over Hawaii While walking down Ala Moana Park, I see many homeless laying around. Feeling a little unsafe because I do not know if they will come up and do something. As time flies by, they should not be living on the street. It is not pleasant seeing them where ever you go. They are eve-rywhere and, â€Å"at least 6,300 are homeless at given day† (Hope para 1). As the facts says in Hope, â€Å"Statewide, 12-15,000 people are homeless at some point of the year† (para 1). Each day, the numbersRead MoreHomelessness : What Does Homelessness Mean?863 Words   |  4 Pagesdoes homelessness mean? What causes homelessness? How should we end homelessness? Well, homeless people can have different meaning on how they fit in the words, such as a person without a home or either he or she is abandoned. Homelessness can caused from various situations and each person have different story to tell from their experiences that made them to become a homeless person. Some people can become a homeless person because they are fleeing from homes, their parents abandoned them, or they doRead MoreEssay Society’s Neglect of the Homeless665 Words   |  3 PagesNeglect of the Homeless There is a serious problem with the way homeless people are treated. They are not treated as any normal human being is treated. The homeless have been dubbed the outcasts of society and receive practically no assistance from the government. Where is the consideration for these people? Are homeless people considered less than human? Why is it so hard to give a helping hand to somebody who is in need? Is society becoming too self-absorbed or are homeless people just transientRead MoreThe Homelessness Of The Homeless1745 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed topics around the world is homelessness. Each and every day more and more people become homeless. People around the world have tried numerous times to resolve this dilemma. This situation is growing and it s starting to spiral out of control. One solution that is getting popular the more we let this situation grow is that criminalizing the homeless is ok. People cannot criminalize the homeless. Homeless people should not be criminali zed because they have nowhere to go, they have it hard enoughRead MoreThe Problem Of The Homeless Hotspot905 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieve may aid in the process of having Wi-Fi wherever one may go. As well as help people who have become marginalized in society (Maze, 2015). This idea is known as the ‘Homeless Hotspot’. This idea not only is convenient for the public, but it is also giving the homeless a chance to express their selves in a positive way. In this case, the ‘Homeless Hotspot’ idea began to start when the agency phoned up a local homeless shelter and placed an offer out on the table. This offer consisted of providingRead MorePrioritizing Hawaii Born Homeless Before Those From The Mainland1392 Words   |  6 PagesThompson December 14, 2015 Prioritizing Hawaii-born Homeless before Those from the Mainland Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and (former) pineapple exports. This state is also number one in a lot of areas: worst traffic, highest cost of living, and highest homeless population. These are all important issues that most people outside of the islands do not think about when imagining a tropical paradise. The homeless population is a critical issue that will be discussedRead MoreHomelessness Is A Serious Problem1031 Words   |  5 Pages So many people of all ages and backgrounds are out on the streets. In the article â€Å"Overview of Homelessness In America† it says that in the U.S. there are more than 3.5 million people that are homeless sometime during the year. This number is extremely high. We cannot ignore it anymore, and it needs to be reduced. Although we already have homeless shelters, they are not able to get everyone off the streets; thus, it would be better to build small, individual houses for the homeless. Most cities

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